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Extension for BWMS Installation
Source: | Author:MAX | Published time: 2022-01-21 | 1153 Views | Share:

Extension for BWMS Installation (MEPC 71)

Note:   Changes introduced to the BWM Convention

Ref.:   IMO MEPC 71 1.IntroductionAs previously informed in Statutory Notice No.131/2017, the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC, 2004) will enter into force on 8-September-2017. This is to inform you that the implementation deadline for Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) has been extended at MEPC 71. The 71st session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committed (MEPC 71) was held from 3 to 7 July 2017 at the IMO Headquarters in London. MEPC 71 reached a compromise on compliance dates for ballast water discharge. Ships constructed after 8-September-2017 must comply on delivery, while existing ships in general must comply by the first IOPP renewal after 8-September-2019. The long-awaited agreement will have global impact. Many of the decisions taken at MEPC 71 have significant impacts on current practices in industry.

Final approval of draft amendments to regulation B-3 of the BWMC, 2004 (MEPC 71-WP.11-Rev.1)

MEPC 71 approved the draft amendment to Regulation B-3, subject to final adoption by MEPC 72 scheduled for April 2018. Expected entry into force is 1-November-2019. Recognizing that the BWMC, 2004 is entering into force on 8-September-2017, MEPC 71 adopted the draft text as a non-mandatory MEPC.288(71), a full text of the draft amendments can be found here or refer to the 1st document attached for an easy reference.

Summary of the amendments approved at MEPC 71 (*)

The deadline for installing BWMS for existing ships are either:

  •  No later than the first IOPP Renewal Survey on or after 8-September-2017, providing that this survey takes place on or after 8-September-2019; or that the vessel has undertaken an IOPP Renewal Survey on or after 8-September-2014 but prior to 8-September-2017; (Refer to Case No.1 of this document “Page No.2”)


  • No later than the second IOPP Renewal Survey on or after 8-September-2017, providing that the first IOPP Renewal Survey on or after 8-September-2017 takes place before 8-September-2019, and the vessel has not undertaken an IOPP Renewal Survey on or after 8-September-2014 but prior to 8-September-2017. (Refer to Case No.2 of this document “Page No.3”)

For new ships (keel laid on or after 8-September-2017): Installation of a BWMS is required by the delivery of the ship.

For oil tankers (less than 150 GT) and for other ships (less than 400 GT), and/or those do not hold IOPP Certificates: The date of the BWMS installation is determine by the flag State Administration but not later than 8-September-2024.

Definition of the Renewal Survey

The definition of the “Renewal Survey”, i.e., IOPP Renewal Survey, is given in a separate resolution MEPC.287(71) “Determination of the date referred to in Regulation B-3, as amended, of the BWMC Convention”, as it was considered not suitable to refer to another IMO convention in the BWM, 2004 itself.

All ships that completed the IOPP Renewal Surveys between 08-Sep-2014 until 07-Sep-2017shall proceed with the installation of BWMS on the next IOPP Renewal Survey between 08-Sep-2019 until 07-Sep-2022.