Cargo handling appliances
The following cargo handling appliances are required to be manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant requirements of this Society. The appliances found satisfactory are then issued with the relevant certificates such as safe working load certificate, etc.
- Cargo handling appliances of safe working load not less than 1 ton which are installed in ships subject to the requirements of Korean Ship Safety Act.
- Cargo handling appliances installed in the ships other than the above for which the assignment of the safe working load, etc. is requested.
WorkmanshipAll materials, workmanship and arrangement are examined by the attending surveyor over the entire construction process. Any none-compliance to the Rules of this Society or approved drawings needs to be rectified.
TestHydrostatic, watertight and performance tests required to be carried out in accordance with the relevant part of the Rules. Also, the control systems and measuring device after installation need to undergo necessary tests as deemed necessary by this Society.
Stability experimentsUpon their Construction, passenger ships and ships of 24 m and above in length, need to undergo stability experiments. On the basis of such experiment results, a final stability information booklet suitable for the service intended is prepared, approved by this Society and provided to the master.
However, a preliminary stability information booklet approved by this Society in lieu of a final stability information booklet may be provided on board for a specific period.
Where an on-board computer system having a stability computation capability (hereafter called as "stability instrument")is provided on board as supplemental stability information, such system is to be of an approved type. Upon its installation on board, the system is to be certified by an attending Surveyor in accordance with the test report approved by this Society.
All tankers carrying liquid in bulk, shall be designed to comply with intact stability condition criteria during liquid transfer operations including cargo loading, unloading, lightering, ballasting, deballasting, ballast water exchange and tank cleaning operation.
However, for all tankers which is not subject to MARPOL, Annex V, Reg. 25A, providing of loading manual proving compliance with intact stability condition criteria during liquid transfer operations may be approved to be designed to comply with that criteria.
TrialsUpon construction, trials are carried out for all equipment, machinery and electrical equipment on board while in operating condition in order to ascertain their performance. In the sea trials, speed test, astern test, steering test, emergency steering test and turning test are carried out.
Also, the operating conditions of machinery and other behaviors of the ship are examined.